Employee Safety & Security

Employee Safety & Security

Keeps your employees

safe and happy

Solution can help decrease unforeseen , unpleasant events while providing healthcare personnel invaluable peace of mind and more control in their working environment.

For enhancing the employee experience, hospital needs to be aware of their employee’s well-being and be there for them at the times of need and distress

Quick call for help

An RTLS staff duress alerting system utilizes IoT-enabled coasters / ID cards featuring wireless call functionality that empowers employees to quietly summon for help by simply pressing a button on their coaster / ID. With duress technology literally at their fingertips, medical personnel can request help anytime/anywhere in the facility and rest assured that assistance is on the way.

Complete awareness

The system provides quick, real-time location updates: Accurate location of a person

System alerts for immediate assistance and notes the location and name of the employee making the emergency call. Based on the facility’s unique requirements, responding staff and hospital teams can receive alerts through computer workstations, email, SMS alerts, display monitors, phone messages, security dispatchers, and alarm lights/buzzers. The redundancy ensures that the duress alert is received and addressed as quickly as possible. For enhanced capabilities, security directors can consider RTLS duress solutions that offer Precise Location. Security personnel and other staff members are able to pinpoint the exact location of the alert without wasting time searching the wrong room or floor. The system provides exact details if the staff member is being moved during a duress situation, responding personnel has visibility into their new location.

Automated Emergency Mustering

In case of an emergency, much time is wasted on an employee headcount when things are done the traditional way. This time could be better utilised looking for people still in danger. We can instantly provide you with a count of those who have made it to the refuge zones and can provide a last-known-location report for all others.

Access Monitoring

In a Healthcare Environment, with vulnerable zones like Radiology / ICUs and the potential for consequences to occur are high, ensuring that employees are safe and handling only what they have been trained for is of the highest priority. Giving only skilled employees access to certain high-risks / vulnerable zones can eliminate underkilled employees from wandering into zones that could cause them harm.

Reducing Operational Overload

We can help streamline bottlenecks and operational stress by analysing data and using it to determine the allotment of spaces where many employees are present and vice versa. Areas that are being overused can be looked into and those processes assigned to underused areas.

Key Features :

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